The Adventures of Mary Winston

At the age of five or seven or even twelve, our imaginations are innocent, our dreams are pure fun and our nightmares, if we have them, wake us up instantly. But by mid-life, our dreams are no longer nurtured by the delights of our day.

We dream about problems and re-dream their solutions. We attempt to fix the lopsidedness of our day in the limpness of sleep. And sometimes, we fantasize whole new worlds with an assortment of characters that we are familiar with, some who are simply representatives and some who are messengers, sent to humor, foreworn or haunt us in multiple episodes.

Mary Winston has such dreams. A lawyer awake and a detective asleep, her adventures weave in and out of the delightful and the nightmarish. You, dear reader, are invited to partake of the enchantment of Mary Winston’s double life as she is kidnapped by Leprechauns, searches for a whispering cat and finds trouble with pirates. Sweet dreams.


Amazing book by Michael Durney,it takes you into vivid adventures with great description and colorful events. It was hard for me tell reality from imagination in those beautiful stories. I could not put down till i finished it. Strongly recommended.
Jehad asfoura

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